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Resource ID: 1781411
Resource title: ASEAN NCAP
Template ID: 434
Template name: Award winner
Template alias: Winner
Organisation: RoadSafe
Website: RoadSafe
Folder: RoadSafe/RoadSafe

Template properties

Name Alias
Project Project
Category Category
Year Year
Commendation Commendation
Keywords keywords
Body Body

Mongo document

{ "_id" : ObjectId("622c565abe59d700018c63f6"), "ResourceId" : 1781411, "VersionId" : 4118688, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "WebsiteId" : 0, "TemplateId" : 434, "Title" : "ASEAN NCAP", "Link" : "aseanncap", "DateCreated" : ISODate("2019-12-03T22:33:42Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2019-12-03T22:33:42Z"), "PromoteUntil" : null, "PageGroupId" : 0, "Weight" : 0, "OnHomePage" : false, "CopyOfId" : 0, "ViewingRight" : 0, "Template" : { "TemplateId" : 434, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "Name" : "Award winner", "OurName" : "Award winner", "Alias" : "Winner", "Description" : "Details of an award for the Award Winners database", "Icon" : "shield", "DeveloperOnly" : false, "BuyingOrgSharing" : false, "Type" : { "ID" : 1, "Title" : "Website pages", "Description" : "Website pages", "Icon" : "globe", "Weight" : 10, "RequiresIdentifier" : false, "CanHaveChildren" : false, "CanHaveDefault" : false, "AskForTitle" : true, "UsedInWebsite" : true, "UsedInAppraisal" : false, "UsedInPortfolio" : false, "UserInputs" : false, "DoesntRequireReviewForSupervisorToView" : false, "DeclarationType" : false, "HasFinalScoring" : false, "SupervisorOnly" : false, "SafeForPortfolioAdminsToView" : false, "CanMove" : false }, "Weight" : 5, "Deleted" : false, "HasAttachment" : true, "AttachmentsOpen" : false, "CanRelateToEvent" : false, "NoLinkOption" : false, "GroupId" : 0, "DateCreated" : ISODate("2018-05-14T14:37:47Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2018-05-16T08:37:31Z"), "NoComments" : false, "NotTaggable" : true, "TemplateSubtypeId" : 0, "TemplateIdentifierId" : 0, "AnonymousCheck" : false, "CanRequest" : false, "AutoInReport" : false, "ParentId" : 0, "HideFromApi" : false, "NumOfResources" : 0, "DisplayOrder" : 0, "DefaultTemplate" : false }, "Properties" : { "Project" : "Crash Test Laboratory ", "Category" : "21", "Body" : "<p><a href=\"http://www.aseancap.org/v2/\">ASEAN NCAP</a>, hosted by the <a href=\"https://www.miros.gov.my/xs/index.php\">Malaysian Institute for Road Safety Research (MIROS), </a> aims to elevate vehicle safety standards, raise consumer awareness, and build a market for safety across South East Asia. In 2012, it inaugurated its own crash test laboratory MIROS with technical support provided by Australasian NCAP and Euro NCAP. With support from Global NCAP some 100 crash tests have been conducted covering 90% of the market. One in ten cars in the region now have been rated and pleasingly 90% of the cars are rated 4 or 5 stars.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Its extraordinary rate of progress was marked by another major legislative achievement. From 1 March next year all manufacturers in Malaysia will be required by the Government&rsquo;s Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs to display an ASEAN NCAP safety rating label for all passenger cars.</p>\r\n\r\n<p><img alt=\"\" data-websiteimageid=\"5090\" src=\"https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/files.mylmc.co.uk/websiteimages/16/5090/aseancap-logo.png\" style=\"width: 204px; height: 88px;\" title=\"\" /></p>\r\n", "Commendation" : false, "Year" : "2019" } }

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