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Resource ID: 26305499
Resource title: Acusensus
Template ID: 434
Template name: Award winner
Template alias: Winner
Organisation: RoadSafe
Website: RoadSafe
Folder: RoadSafe/RoadSafe

Template properties

Name Alias
Project Project
Category Category
Year Year
Commendation Commendation
Keywords keywords
Body Body

Mongo document

{ "_id" : ObjectId("6553a4f4848dfb000198de1d"), "ResourceId" : 26305499, "VersionId" : 37700382, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "WebsiteId" : 0, "TemplateId" : 434, "Title" : "Acusensus ", "Link" : "acusensusheadsuptechnology", "DateCreated" : ISODate("2023-11-14T16:46:36Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2023-11-14T16:48:52.071Z"), "PromoteUntil" : null, "PageGroupId" : 0, "Weight" : 0, "OnHomePage" : false, "CopyOfId" : 0, "ViewingRight" : 0, "Template" : { "TemplateId" : 434, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "Name" : "Award winner", "OurName" : "Award winner", "Alias" : "Winner", "Description" : "Details of an award for the Award Winners database", "Icon" : "shield", "DeveloperOnly" : false, "BuyingOrgSharing" : false, "Type" : { "ID" : 1, "Title" : "Website pages", "Description" : "Website pages", "Icon" : "globe", "Weight" : 10, "RequiresIdentifier" : false, "CanHaveChildren" : false, "CanHaveDefault" : false, "AskForTitle" : true, "UsedInWebsite" : true, "UsedInAppraisal" : false, "UsedInPortfolio" : false, "UserInputs" : false, "DoesntRequireReviewForSupervisorToView" : false, "DeclarationType" : false, "HasFinalScoring" : false, "SupervisorOnly" : false, "SafeForPortfolioAdminsToView" : false, "CanMove" : false }, "Weight" : 5, "Deleted" : false, "HasAttachment" : true, "AttachmentsOpen" : false, "CanRelateToEvent" : false, "NoLinkOption" : false, "GroupId" : 0, "DateCreated" : ISODate("2018-05-14T14:37:47Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2018-05-16T08:37:31Z"), "NoComments" : false, "NotTaggable" : true, "TemplateSubtypeId" : 0, "TemplateIdentifierId" : 0, "AnonymousCheck" : false, "CanRequest" : false, "AutoInReport" : false, "ParentId" : 0, "HideFromApi" : false, "CanComment" : true, "DoNotLockOnReviewRequest" : false, "NumOfResources" : 0, "DisplayOrder" : 0, "DefaultTemplate" : false }, "Properties" : { "Body" : "<p>The Australian AI road safety company <a href=\"https://www.acusensus.com/news/\">Acusensus for its &lsquo;Heads-Up&rsquo; technology, which spots drivers using mobile phones at the wheel, or vehicle occupants not wearing a seat belt.</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Pioneered in Australia, the Heads Up technology is now being deployed in the UK and the United States.&nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n<p>It uses bespoke roadside cameras and Artificial Intelligence-based image analysis to flag up likely violations involving people holding a phone or not wearing a seat belt. Anonymised images of possible rule-breakers are sent for human review, to decide if a potential offence has occurred.</p>\r\n", "Commendation" : false, "Year" : "2023", "Category" : "25", "Project" : "‘Heads-Up’ technology, which spots drivers using mobile phones at the wheel, or vehicle occupants not wearing a seat belt." } }

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