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Driving for Better Business

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Resource ID: 21096176
Resource title: Driving for Better Business
Template ID: 434
Template name: Award winner
Template alias: Winner
Organisation: RoadSafe
Website: RoadSafe
Folder: RoadSafe/RoadSafe

Template properties

Name Alias
Project Project
Category Category
Year Year
Commendation Commendation
Keywords keywords
Body Body

Mongo document

{ "_id" : ObjectId("622c565f9f239000010804b5"), "ResourceId" : 21096176, "VersionId" : 26872258, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "WebsiteId" : 0, "TemplateId" : 434, "Title" : "Driving for Better Business ", "Link" : "drivingforbetterbusiness", "DateCreated" : ISODate("2021-11-29T17:40:57Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2021-11-29T17:40:57Z"), "PromoteUntil" : null, "PageGroupId" : 0, "Weight" : 0, "OnHomePage" : false, "CopyOfId" : 0, "ViewingRight" : 0, "Template" : { "TemplateId" : 434, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "Name" : "Award winner", "OurName" : "Award winner", "Alias" : "Winner", "Description" : "Details of an award for the Award Winners database", "Icon" : "shield", "DeveloperOnly" : false, "BuyingOrgSharing" : false, "Type" : { "ID" : 1, "Title" : "Website pages", "Description" : "Website pages", "Icon" : "globe", "Weight" : 10, "RequiresIdentifier" : false, "CanHaveChildren" : false, "CanHaveDefault" : false, "AskForTitle" : true, "UsedInWebsite" : true, "UsedInAppraisal" : false, "UsedInPortfolio" : false, "UserInputs" : false, "DoesntRequireReviewForSupervisorToView" : false, "DeclarationType" : false, "HasFinalScoring" : false, "SupervisorOnly" : false, "SafeForPortfolioAdminsToView" : false, "CanMove" : false }, "Weight" : 5, "Deleted" : false, "HasAttachment" : true, "AttachmentsOpen" : false, "CanRelateToEvent" : false, "NoLinkOption" : false, "GroupId" : 0, "DateCreated" : ISODate("2018-05-14T14:37:47Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2018-05-16T08:37:31Z"), "NoComments" : false, "NotTaggable" : true, "TemplateSubtypeId" : 0, "TemplateIdentifierId" : 0, "AnonymousCheck" : false, "CanRequest" : false, "AutoInReport" : false, "ParentId" : 0, "HideFromApi" : false, "NumOfResources" : 0, "DisplayOrder" : 0, "DefaultTemplate" : false }, "Properties" : { "Year" : "2021", "Body" : "<p>Driving for Better Business (DfBB) is a communications programme&nbsp; works on the premise that employers perform a critical role in the safety of their drivers and other road users. The programme provides information and resources to ensure employers make effective interventions with their drivers and vehicles to improve safety and risk management. Originally established as a business to business programme and delivered by RoadSafe with DfT funding. It is now led by National Highways.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Supporting employers in the management of work-related road risk (WRRR), the programme provides free resources, case studies highlighting good practice, a collaborative community of professionals and employers, accessed through a dedicated website<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<a href=\"https://www.drivingforbetterbusiness.com/about-dfbb/the-programme/\">DfBB vision is &ldquo;a world where those who use the roads for work do so safely, efficiently and sustainably&quot;</a> . The aim is to Improve awareness of WRRR, employers&rsquo; duty of care and employees&rsquo; responsibility, our ambition is to bring about a radical change in how organisations think about WRRR. Its mission is to improve the levels of compliance for all those who drive or ride for work by demonstrating the significant business benefits of managing WRRR more effectively. Strategic and delivery partners support the aims and objectives of the programme, and support the wider DfBB community providing thought leadership, knowledge, and expertise.</p>\r\n", "Category" : "15", "Commendation" : false } }

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