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Excellence in Road Safety Awards winners

16 October 2019

European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc announced the six winners of the Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2019 at a ceremony at the prestigious Vaudeville Theatre in Brussels.

Every year several initiatives of the European Road Safety Charter are rewarded for their contribution to safer roads across Europe.

While road fatalities in the EU have more than halved since 2001, more than 25 000 people still die on EU roads every year, and 135 000 people are seriously injured. The European Commission and EU Member States therefore committed to a target of reducing fatalities and serious injuries on the roads by 50% between 2020 and 2030, aiming for “Vision Zero”, no fatalities and serious injuries on EU roads, by 2050. This commitment is translated into policy in the EU Commission’s Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030.

To access the list of award winners please click here.


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