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Halving global fatalities on the road by 2030 - mission impossible?

19 February 2021

The second UN Decade of Action for Road Safety launched this year with an aim to reduce road deaths by 50% globally by 2030. With the prospect of automated vehicles, a growing emphasis on reducing emissions and a be better understanding of highway design, will the next 10 years see a step change in reducing road deaths?

Action from governments, road designers and vehicle manufacturers and more information for consumers can contribute, but what’s the pathway to success and how will it emerge across continents?

Leaders Live bring together some of the best thinkers on road safety to discuss how we can realise the ambitions of the Decade of Action.  'Halving global fatalities on the road by 2030- mission impossible?' is available now.

Speakers include:

  • Prof. Natasha Merat, University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies
  • Dr Daniel Ruiz, Chief Executive Officer, Zenzic
  • Arun Srinivasan, Executive Vice President, Bosch Mobility Solutions UK at Robert Bosch Limited & Chairman of RoadSafe
  • David Ward, President and CEO, Towards Zero Foundation

Hosted by:

Prof. Nick Reed, Founder, Reed Mobility

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