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MOVE - towards safer, smarter and more sustainable mobility.

5 May 2023

RoadSafe is delighted to be a media partner for MOVE a world-leading technology show -   a specialised and focused event dedicated to safer, smarter and more sustainable mobility. 21-22 June in London.

  • The show will provide an opportunity to see how many connected safety innovations will be reducing risk on our roads in the years to come. 
  • The Autonomous Vehicles stream will showcase the AV sector’s progress from level 3 autonomy to levels 4 and 5 and the driverless tech enabling this transition.
  • The conference will showcase best-in-class case studies of new transport planning, digital highways and hubs and smart infrastructure design.
  • Mobility is moving forward and so must traffic – see the leading innovations in traffic management, enforcement, AI, smart signage and much more.


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