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New Fit to Drive? report published

3 March 2016

Story from PACTS.

Alcohol is the biggest reported impairment to driving, but motorists may be taking to the roads impaired without knowing it. This is according to a report published by a leading road safety team on behalf of PACTS. Fit to Drive? examines the law as it stands, factors affecting fitness, and gaps that need to be addressed.

“There is a fundamental expectation that drivers should be fit to do so,” says Professor Oliver Carsten, lead author of the report. “Short-term factors based on personal behaviour such as alcohol and drug use are widely known to affect fitness to drive. However, there are long-term factors such as physical or cognitive impairment that account for 6 per cent of all fatal crashes, while fatigue is a factor in 3 per cent.”

David Davies, Executive Director of PACTS said, “The Government has recently published its road safety statement reaffirming its aims to reduce death and injury on the road. This report highlights where improvements are to be made and we hope that all relevant departments and agencies collaborate to act on its recommendations.”

For the key points and recommendations from the report please click here.

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