Young Driver Safety
In the UK, drivers under 25 make up one eighth of the driving population but represent one quarter of driver deaths. Every year, around 24,000 younger drivers pass their test in Scotland and as many as 1 in 5 will be involved in a crash in their first six months of independent driving.
If you would like to share your views on the interventions that might make a difference and participate in Road Safety Scotland's research, please spend a few minutes completing this questionnaire. The study team would like your views on issues such as:
- Do learners get enough practical training?
- Should there be a probationary period for young, newly qualified drivers?
- How would you feel about restrictions for young, newly qualified drivers on the number of passengers they could carry or on driving at night?
- Would ‘black boxes’ in cars change the way that people drive?
- Do education and awarenss campaigns make a difference?
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