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The Vital Role of Drink - Drive Enforcement

20 January 2012

In December across Europe police conducted in excess of one million breath tests of which 13,388 were positive. At the same time in a programme coordinated by the European Police organisation TISPOL  drug tests were conducted in 28 countries.

In Britain where Government has refused to lower its drink-drive limit to European levels, more than 7,200 people were arrested in the month-long Christmas and New Year campaign targeting drink and drug drivers.
Revealing these shocking figures, Deputy Chief Constable Suzette Davenport who heads up national roads policing said “During the crackdown nearly 157,000 people were stopped and tested. Despite clear messages that driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs isn’t accepted, more than 7,000 drivers ignored the messages and placed their own lives and the lives of fellow road users in jeopardy anyway.

Young drivers continue to have a higher rate of offending at 5.7% compared to over 25s at 4%. This highlights the important role that the police, government, parents and society as a whole have to play to educate the newest generation of drivers.

Across Europe governments are slowly increasing pressure on drivers with strong campaigns and regulatory developments. The requirement for drivers to carry a breathalyser has been introduced by the French authorities as part of an on-going programme by the French Government to reduce the number of road deaths. Alcolocks, which are incorporated into rehabilitation programmes in seven European countries are also are under consideration in France and their wider introduction is being piloted in are five more countries.

Further details are available in ETSC's 14th Drink Driving Monitor brings news from across the EU on steps to further improve drink driving legislation and enforcement.


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