Odessa Road Safety Project recognised
Using a road safety demonstration project in Odessa, the Ukraine has shown that saving lives does not have to cost a lot of money.
Financed by the European Union and supported by the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST), this project was rolled out between June and November 2011.
Centred around low cost campaigns, each focussed on a single issue, was developed in line with international best practice and was supported with effective enforcement.
The campaigns were constructed in a nine-step process in line with international best practice:
- Focus on a single issue - each campaign was separate and focused on only one issue.
- Define a target group - the main target group was young men aged 18-35.
- Set clear objectives - the aim of the speeding campaign was to cut the number of injury accidents, deaths and injuries by 20% during the campaign;
- Define supporting activities – robust and enhanced enforcement by the police who explained to drivers what they were doing wrong, and give them an information leaflet;
- Contract an advertising agency – a local advertising agency was contracted;
- Market test materials and messages – the materials were designed in Ukraine in an advertising competition, and tested on the target audience;
- Deliver the campaign;
- Monitor and evaluate;
- Use lessons to refine the approach.
- At the suggestion of the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST) the Black Sea port of Odessa was chosen for a demonstration campaign in 2011.
With a focus on male drivers between 18 and 35, a campaign was developed using several Russian language social networks. Within one month there had been a 32% reduction in speeding-related incidents.
A similar styled campaign but this time targeting seat belt wearing, was organised targeting tourists with a follow-up targeting residents.
During the two months of the campaign seat belt wearing increased from just over 21.4% of drivers and front seat passengers to 39.7%, an increase of 85.5%.
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