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Slovakia leads on cutting road deaths

18 June 2014

Slovakia has made the most progress in saving lives since an EU target to halve road deaths by 2020 was set four years ago, according to analysis by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), authors of a new report.

Data for the period 2010-2013 reveal that Slovakia made a dramatic 37% reduction in total deaths of road users.

The Slovakian government will receive an award in recognition of this progress at an event in Brussels hosted by ETSC.

Road safety has made headlines in Slovakia in recent days due to a bus collision on 6th June that caused the deaths of four teenagers and seriously injured a number of others.

Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of ETSC said, “Today we are recognising the progress that Slovakia has made in recent years to improve road safety. But we are reminded by this recent tragedy that our collective responsibility is to work towards a day when deaths on the road are a thing of the past.

“We hope that recent events, and today’s award, will inspire new measures in Slovakia to improve road safety. We urge the government to introduce a penalty point system combined with increased enforcement of traffic laws, extend the speed camera network and require the use of alcohol interlocks for repeat drink driving offenders.” 

Spain, Greece and Portugal also made excellent progress, cutting deaths by more than 30% over the same three-year period. 


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