New RoadSafe Magazine: FREE Subscription: Saving lives - Saving money
RoadSafe magazine is published three times a year - spring, summer and autumn - and is the indispensable guide to best practice management of occupational road risk.
Sign-up today for your FREE copy: YOU can’t afford not to read it.
RoadSafe is an automotive industry-led registered charity that works with the Department for Transport, the motor industry and others concerned with the design and production and use of motor vehicles and of the UK’s roads to encourage and promote improved education, innovation, and new thinking to reduce death and injury.
More employees die while driving than in any other form of work-related activity.
With more than 3,000 deaths and almost 300,000 injuries on the UK’s roads annually, it is estimated that around 1,000 people are killed and almost 100,000 injured in the course of their work.
Each issue of the magazine highlights:
- Best practice case studies
- The latest legislation from both Brussels and Whitehall
- Safety initiatives developed by all the leading car, van and truck manufacturers
- Safety campaigns mounted by numerous organisations and trade associations
- What fleet industry suppliers are doing to highlight the importance of road safety
Please click here or on the subscribe button above to ensure you’re registered to receive RoadSafe magazine for free. Furthermore, please feel free to encourage your colleagues to subscribe as well.
Best wishes
Ashley Martin
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