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Traffic and Casualty Statistics

8 February 2008

The Department for Transport has published National Statistics on Traffic in Great Britain for the fourth quarter of 2007 and for 2007 as a whole, it has also published road casualty statistics for the third and second quarters of 2007

Car traffic decreased by 3 per cent.

* Light van traffic increased by 10 per cent.

* Heavy goods vehicle traffic increased by 3 per cent.

* Traffic on motorways and rural 'A' roads was unchanged.

* Traffic on minor rural roads increased by 1 per cent.

* Traffic on urban 'A' roads and minor urban roads fell by 3 per cent and 2 per cent respectively.

The provisional casualty estimates show the number of fatalities in road accidents were down by 5 per cent for the twelve months ending September 2007 compared to the previous twelve months. Total casualties were down 4 per cent, and killed and seriously injured casualties 2 per cent, compared with the previous 12 months.

The bulletin can be found on the Department's website.

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