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Road Casualties Great Britain

29 September 2017

New DfT statistics show there were 1,792 reported road deaths in 2016, a year-on-year rise of 4%. The full report contains some helpful statistical information and valuable notes which explain reporting systems and international trends.

  • 2016 figures show an increase of 62 fatalities - and the highest annual road deaths total since 2011.
  • There was also a rise in the number of child (15 years or under) road deaths - up 28% to 69. This figure is the highest since 2009 - although the DfT points out that child fatalities have ‘fluctuated between 48 and 69 over 2010 to 2016 with no clear trend’.
  • The total number of serious injuries also rose to 24,101. However, because of a change in system for reporting by some police forces*, the DfT says this figure should not be compared to previous years.
  • Casualties of all severities fell by 3% to 181,384 in 2016 - the lowest level on record. The DfT describes this fall as statistically significant.

Car occupants accounted for 816 fatalities - equating to 46% of the total, and an 8% year-on-year rise. The biggest rise in deaths was seen among pedestrians. 448 deaths represents 25% of the 2016 total and a 10% year-on-year rise. The number of cyclist fatalities also rose, up 2% to 102 (6% share). However, the number of motorcyclist deaths fell by 13% to 319 (18% share). Despite the rise in child fatalities, the total number of casualties among this group fell by 1% to 15,976. Of those, 38% were pedestrians with 22% occurring between 3-5pm, and 14% between 7-9am, on a weekday - at times when children are travelling to and from school. The number of road deaths among older people (60 years and over) also rose, up 8% to 533.

The 2016 casualty figures come against a backdrop of a 2.2% year-on-year rise in motor traffic levels.

A very helpful summary report with regional breakdowns is also available here .

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