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Safer Infrastructure for Cyclists and Pedestrians in Mashhad City

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Resource ID: 23763859
Resource title: Safer Infrastructure for Cyclists and Pedestrians in Mashhad City
Template ID: 434
Template name: Award winner
Template alias: Winner
Organisation: RoadSafe
Website: RoadSafe
Folder: RoadSafe/RoadSafe

Template properties

Name Alias
Project Project
Category Category
Year Year
Commendation Commendation
Keywords keywords
Body Body

Mongo document

{ "_id" : ObjectId("64186e39c539e10001a139df"), "ResourceId" : 23763859, "VersionId" : 33862768, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "WebsiteId" : 0, "TemplateId" : 434, "Title" : "Safer Infrastructure for Cyclists and Pedestrians in Mashhad City", "Link" : "saferinfrastructureforcyclistsandpedestriansinmashhadcity", "DateCreated" : ISODate("2022-12-14T15:28:33Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2023-03-20T14:31:20.878Z"), "PromoteUntil" : null, "PageGroupId" : 0, "Weight" : 0, "OnHomePage" : false, "CopyOfId" : 0, "ViewingRight" : 0, "Template" : { "TemplateId" : 434, "BuyingOrgId" : 16, "Name" : "Award winner", "OurName" : "Award winner", "Alias" : "Winner", "Description" : "Details of an award for the Award Winners database", "Icon" : "shield", "DeveloperOnly" : false, "BuyingOrgSharing" : false, "Type" : { "ID" : 1, "Title" : "Website pages", "Description" : "Website pages", "Icon" : "globe", "Weight" : 10, "RequiresIdentifier" : false, "CanHaveChildren" : false, "CanHaveDefault" : false, "AskForTitle" : true, "UsedInWebsite" : true, "UsedInAppraisal" : false, "UsedInPortfolio" : false, "UserInputs" : false, "DoesntRequireReviewForSupervisorToView" : false, "DeclarationType" : false, "HasFinalScoring" : false, "SupervisorOnly" : false, "SafeForPortfolioAdminsToView" : false, "CanMove" : false }, "Weight" : 5, "Deleted" : false, "HasAttachment" : true, "AttachmentsOpen" : false, "CanRelateToEvent" : false, "NoLinkOption" : false, "GroupId" : 0, "DateCreated" : ISODate("2018-05-14T14:37:47Z"), "DateModified" : ISODate("2018-05-16T08:37:31Z"), "NoComments" : false, "NotTaggable" : true, "TemplateSubtypeId" : 0, "TemplateIdentifierId" : 0, "AnonymousCheck" : false, "CanRequest" : false, "AutoInReport" : false, "ParentId" : 0, "HideFromApi" : false, "CanComment" : true, "DoNotLockOnReviewRequest" : false, "NumOfResources" : 0, "DisplayOrder" : 0, "DefaultTemplate" : false }, "Properties" : { "Body" : "<p>In Mashhad city Iran pedestrians account for 51% of all crash fatalities. Based on our survey safety is among highest concerns for current and potential cyclists. Since 2019 Mashhad Municipality has started activities to provide safer infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. Infrastructure enhancement, improved safety of 125 intersections and 112km of new dedicated cycle lanes helped more citizens to use this clean mode of transport.</p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO4nlOoPpRQ&amp;feature=youtu.be\">The project delivered jointly between Mashhad Municipality and Road Safety Pioneers led to remarkable reductions in drivers violations, pedestrian injuries, and increased active cycling. </a>&nbsp;</strong></p>\r\n\r\n<p><br />\r\n&nbsp;</p>\r\n", "Year" : "2022", "Commendation" : false, "Category" : "4" } }

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