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Safe speeds – what is safe enough?

21 November 2023

In the first of a series of blogs from TRL, experts highlight that ..'' Speed management is ... critical for preventing deaths on our roads and needs to be supported by the setting of “appropriate” speed limits. The setting of appropriate speed limits, however, is a complex technical challenge, and the perceptions of what speed limits are safe and appropriate on any particular road section can be controversial. There is often conflict between road safety professionals, who will generally recommend lower speed limits than are currently in place on safety grounds, and politicians and decision makers, who may be highly influenced by the negative views on this prospect expressed by some of the public.'

It concludes that: 'Setting appropriate speed limits with consideration to the different levels of vulnerability and road resilience provide a clear pathway towards reducing or eliminating the severe outcomes of road crashes. It is imperative for all professional, decision makers and road users to work towards safer speeds in a harmonised and evidence-led manner.'

The full blog can be read here:


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