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Swedish Government receives Decade of Action Award

25 February 2020

The Government of Sweden has been presented with the Decade of Action award at the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 2020.

Presenting his 2020 Decade of Action Award to the Swedish Minister for Infrastructure, Mr.Tomas Eneroth, Prince Michael said:

'As we near the end of this conference and look forward to turning our good intentions into action to renew international efforts to reduce casualties even further over the coming years. We have also had a chance to learn just how much has been achieved over the last decade. During this time I have been able to present many of my awards to organisations which have contributed to our success and among these have been many who have made outstanding contributions to the success of the Decade. I believe that it is therefore most fitting that this year at the conclusion of the most successful Global Conference my Decade of Action Award should go to Sweden and I am delighted that minister of transport Mr.Tomas Eneroth is here today to receive it.''



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