Tapping the potential for reducing work-related road deaths and injuries
A recently published report from ETSC shows that over 25,600 lives were lost on the road in the European Union in 2016, of those a large proportion were victims of work-related road (WRR) collisions. Even though the exact number is unknown, it is likely that up to 40% of all road deaths are work-related.
The report highlights how gaining a full and detailed picture of WRR collisions in the EU is very challenging due to differing definitions, variety of data sources, a lack of linkages between data sources and underreporting.
It also highlights that duty of care, occupational safety and health (OSH) and road safety compliance are legal necessities in all EU member states, and employers must take them into consideration.
It also explains that in several European countries some public authorities have started to show leadership in addressing work related road safety (WRRS) for their employees. And explains that some influence the demand for WRRS by setting road safety requirements through public procurement policies.
The full three part report is available here .
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