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Targets of #50by30 or better central to new Road Safety Strategies in UK and Australia

20 November 2020

Two new road safety strategies have been launched with targets of fifty percent or better casualty reduction. Each followed extensive local community consultation.

The Road Safety Strategy for Western Australia 2020 – 2030 was released at  WA's launch of National Road Safety Week 2020.

Driving Change is the framework to guide WA’s road safety journey over the next decade to reduce the number of people fatally, severely or seriously injured by 50 to 70% by 2030.  Developed after extensive community and stakeholder consultation by the Road Safety Commission, Driving Change replaces the State’s current road safety strategy Towards Zero 2008 – 2020.

Driving for Change can be downloaded here.

In UK the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership is to become the ‘Vision Zero Partnership’, under a radical new Road Safety Strategy.

The new strategy is based on the principle that no human being should be killed or seriously injured as the result of a road collision and sets ambitious targets for a 50% reduction in people killed and seriously injured by 2030 and working towards zero fatalities and severe injuries by 2040. It is available here.


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