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UK Drink Drive casualties

26 August 2020

UK Drink-drive fatalities with at least one driver over the alcohol limit for 2018 is 240. This represents about 13% of all deaths (1,784) in reported road accidents in 2018.

The central estimate of the number of drink-drive casualties of all severities in 2018 is 8,680, an increase of 1% on 2017. This is still 4% lower than the level in 2016.

The prevalence of drink-driving in road deaths has fallen over time. In 1979, 26% of road deaths occurred in accidents where at least one driver/ rider was over the drink-drive limit. This had fallen to 16% by 1988 and then varied around 15%. It has been below 15% each year since 2010.

UK Drink-drive fatalities

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