Wales prepares to reduce 30mph speed limits to 20mph
Described as ‘ biggest step-change in community safety in a generation’, most streets in Wales that currently have a 30mph speed limit will switch to 20mph on Sunday, September 17th.
The change comes after four years of work between the Welsh Government and local authorities, police and road safety experts to design a change in law, making Wales the first UK nation to reset the default speed limit for local roads.
Research shows the 20mph default speed limit could save £92m a year by reducing the number of deaths and injuries. It could also help to reduce pressure on the NHS from a reduction in injuries from road traffic collisions.
The move follows a similar approach in Spain where the speed limit on the majority of roads was changed to 30km/h in 2019. Since then, Spain has reported 20% fewer urban road deaths, with fatalities reduced by 34% for cyclists and 24% for pedestrians.
The Welsh Government also points to research which shows the 20mph default speed limit could save £92m a year by reducing the number of deaths and injuries.
Over the first decade, it is estimated a lower speed limit will save up to 100 lives and 20,000 casualties.
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