Achieving the SDGs for Road Safety in G20 countries
The global mandate to improve road safety is especially critical for the G20 countries, which account for 59 percent of global road traffic fatalities and include some of the world’s best and worst performing countries. This briefing paper for T20 highlights that a lack of application of minimum safety standards for vehicles and roads contribute greatly to road trauma and many G20 countries are still far from best practice. It is recommended that the G20 countries implement minimum safety regulations for all new and used vehicles and new and existing roads and infrastructure according to the recommendations articulated in the United Nations Global Road Safety Performance Targets and the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.
The authors are: Jessica Truong, Secretary General, Towards Zero Foundation, UK, David Ward, Executive President, Towards Zero Foundation, UK, Rob McInerney, Chief Executive Officer, International Road Assessment Programme and Greg Smith, Global Programme Director, International Road Assessment Programme.
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