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Casualties fall as a result of active safety systems on cars

21 January 2018

As reported in Fleet News, systems that mitigate driver errors and prevent accidents are now available on almost seven in 10 new cars, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

Two-thirds (66.8%) of new cars are offered with at least one self-activating safety system, either as standard or as an optional extra, according to the latest data from SMMT and JATO Dynamics .

Thanks to these innovations and more, road accidents in the UK have fallen by nearly 10% since 2012.

And, according to a 2015 report by SMMT and KPMG, connected and self-driving vehicle technology could reduce serious accidents by 25,000 and save 2,500 lives by 2030.

Furthermore, the annual saving to consumers through shorter journey times, lower fuel, insurance and parking costs, and the ability to multi-task, could be as high as £40 billion, with the overall UK economic benefit amounting to some £51 billion, says the SMMT. Nearly 1.8 million new vehicles a year are now available with collision warning systems alone, up 20% on the previous year. In fact, drivers have access to a raft of new technologies, including autonomous emergency braking (AEB), parking assistance, adaptive cruise control and overtaking (or blind spot) sensors. 

Come and experience first hand, from the driver’s seat, how the latest collision avoidance technology can protect your drivers , prevent vehicle damage and reduce fuel use.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) technology is proven to reduce collisions and costs, yet take up of these systems in the UK is poor. One barrier is a lack of customer knowledge about the benefits ADAS can bring to a fleet, and an understanding of how the different systems work.


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