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Ecuador and Colombia Round the World Roundtables

2 September 2019

Story from the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety.

The national governments of Ecuador and Colombia made public commitments to road safety action at Round the World Roundtables events organized by Fundación CAVAT, Ecuador, Touring & Automóvil Club de Colombia, and Por la Via Por la Vida, Colombia, and attended by Jean Todt, the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety.

The Round the World Roundtables are an initiative from the Alliance and are part of the #CommitToAct campaign.

At the Round the World Roundtable in Ecuador, government agencies — including the ministries of Transportation and Public Works, Interior, Tourism, and Public Health, plus the transit authorities, municipalities, police, and judicial system — committed to work together to improve road safety awareness in the country.

In Colombia, representatives from both the legislative and executive powers gave their commitment to child safety at two roundtables. The first was held with the Minister for Transport at the Palacio de San Carlos, Bogotá, and the second was held at the Senate with the President of the Senate and the Presidents of the Health and Infrastructure Committees.

For more information please click here.

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