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Keeping Mobility Scooter Users Safe

15 April 2024

Mobility scooter riders are more than two and a half times more likely to be killed in a road crash compared to other road users, data has revealed.

Department for Transport (DfT) road casualty statistics show that in 2022, nine mobility scooter users were killed and 270 were injured in collisions on the UK’s roads. Alarmingly, the figures show that over the last decade, mobility scooter casualties have increased by an average of 20 per cent, year on year.

The data has been released by Surewise, a leading mobility scooter insurance intermediary, as a warning to mobility scooter drivers and to other road users.


Surewise, which has insured more than 130,000 mobility scooters in the UK against theft and in the event of a collision, is so concerned about the safety of mobility scooter users that it has launched a Safer Mobility Campaign .

The campaign aims to inform mobility scooter users about the risks they face when travelling on or near to the roads, and raise awareness about their vulnerability to all road users.

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