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New Fleet Risk Management programmes available

30 November 2010

With the first Corporate Manslaughter and Coporate Homicide case in the headlines at present, Driving for Better Business partner Business Driver, offers management solutions to prevent such a case from reoccuring.

The following programmes are now available:

  • RIsk Free Pilot Programme - this provides support to the customer in the purchase and service of Business Driver products and solutions.
  • New E-learning module 'Deadly Distractions'. Diistracted driving or being legally drunk is one of the hidden menaces for business drivers. Distractions include communication, entertainment or even trying to find directions and such drivers are far more likely to be involved in a collision.
  • New launch of Driver Assessment Tools - this includes 'Hazard Perception Evaluation in Super sharp HD' and 6 new modules to be included in the Business Driver E-Learning Curriculum.

For further information please click here.

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