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On-line campaign library

3 February 2014

To increase public awareness of road safety laws and to persuade the public to abide by them, national and local governments complement legislation and enforcement with the broadcasting of mass media campaigns through television and radio. The most powerful of these campaigns highlight what happens when people fail to abide by the law and the resulting consequences in terms of death, injury and disability as well as fines and imprisonment.

WHO has now launched an online library of road safety video and audio campaigns  which will continue to expand in the years ahead. It was produced to inspire governments and other agencies wishing to develop their own mass media campaigns. It provides some of the best campaigns from around the world, showcasing possible concepts in order to save time and expense for those wishing to develop such campaigns.

The campaigns included are among those which have been evaluated to be effective or are otherwise of a high-quality production standard with clear and targeted messages promoting the good practices in road safety identified by WHO and partners worldwide. Each campaign is presented with a one-page description highlighting details about the campaign and providing contact information and links to related materials. 

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