'Tiny Giants' Road Safety Plays in May and June
Tiny Giants are a not for profit organisation based in Liverpool. They are commissioned by local government offices to write issue based theatre for both primary and secondary schools.
They have toured their plays to over 6000 schools across the UK since 1999 and have always received an excellent response from the pupils and teachers alike. Over the past 8 years they have written and produced 14 plays for schools including 9 road safety plays that have contributed to a significant reduction of road related casualties .
Tiny Giants have launched two new productions ONE GREEN BOTTLE and THE SWAG BAG GANG and the Road to Safety. Both plays were commissioned by Knowsley Road Safety department last year and have been piloted around Knowsley & Bridgend schools during the autumn term 2007. RSOs, teachers and pupils are encouraged to attend the plays and provide any feedback to add to ongoing evaluation.
One Green Bottle targets Year 8 pupils (12 - 14 years) and addresses issues including distraction, safety awareness and drunken pedestrians.
The Swag Bag Gang...and the road to safety targets Year 3 - 6 pupils (7 -11 years) and addresses pedestrian safety and seat belts.
Both plays will be performed in Sandwell (22/5), Cardiff (23/5), Merseyside (2/6) and York (3/6). RSOs are invited to attend one of these performances to evaluate the shows for themselves.
For further information or to enquire about booking contact Anna at Tiny Giants on 0151 703 0000, or go to: www.tinygiants.ltd.uk
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