Business Champion BT seeks its safest UK-based driver
BT, one of the Driving for Better Business champions, is asking all 100,000 of its UK-based people: ‘Could you be our Safe Driver of the Year 2009?’
Designed to raise safety awareness and support good driving behaviour and attitude across BT, all permanent UK-based BT people are invited to enter the SDOTY09 competition - with a chance to win one of the three top prizes of £5,000, £2,500 and £1,500.
There will also be runner-up prizes for all finalists and - to encourage entry into the competition –spot prizes varying from £50 to £200 made to entrants into the early rounds.
BT people have until 17 July to enter the initial online round being hosted on Virtual Risk Manager. This comprises 30 scenarios based on the company’s four most common collision types, eco driving and BT’s recently updated safe driving policy.
The second round for the top 300 participants – also online – will focus on attention, estimation, reaction time and visual skills.
The final round takes place on 16 September for the top 30 participants. A day-long driving event at the Nascar race track at Rockingham, Northamptonshire will be followed by a prize-giving ceremony and gala dinner.
BT safety advisor Tony Holt said: ‘This year, BT is targeting fuel economy and the causes of common collisions – since improved safety and fuel efficiency can not only protect drivers, vehicles and our brand, it can also cut costs. We are keen, too, to reinforce BT’s updated road safety policies. The competition is open to all our UK-based people’.
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