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Project EDWARD 17-21 October 2022 Week of Action

28 September 2022

Police chiefs and forces across the UK – along with Police and Crime Commissioners – are backing the week of action for Project EDWARD – Every Day Without A Road Death  – which launches with its most ambitious week of events to promote good practice in road safety.

Three road trips will criss-cross the country from Monday to Friday visiting the very best examples of road safety projects across England and Wales. Along the way, some of the most influential thought leaders in road safety will be invited to come along for the ride and join the team to share their insights and experience – among them, numerous police representatives.

Wednesday 19 October is National Safe Speeds Day, and the National Roads Policing Operations and Intelligence and Investigation (NRPOII), the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and the Association of Police and Crime Commissions (APPC) have expressed their support.

Chief Constable Jo Shiner, National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for roads policing says: “I am fully supportive of this year’s National Safe Speeds Day on Wednesday 19 October. Once again, I welcome the efforts by members of the Project EDWARD team to highlight the benefits for all road users of understanding and choosing speeds that are legal and safe.

“For a 24-hour period starting at 0700 on Wednesday 19 October police officers all over the UK will build on the excellent work they already do and focus their efforts even more to encourage compliance with speed limits, because we know lower speeds mean fewer road deaths.

Katy Bourne, Association of Police and Crime Commissioners lead for road safety, says: “Every 22 minutes someone is killed or seriously injured on UK roads. These figures are a stark reminder that more needs to be done to make our roads safer. I am determined to drive forward progressive and lasting change, by ensuring that police have all the tools they need to understand how and why collisions occur and also educating the public on how they can protect themselves and others as road users.


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