Rural Roads Campaign
Most accidents in the UK occur within urban areas; however 59% of all fatalities occur occur in rural areas.
Although the proportion of accidents and fatalities occurring on rural roads is fairly consistent for different vehicle types (e.g. 31% of all motorcycling accidents and 70% of fatal motorcycling accident occurred on rural roads; 31% of all car accidents and 72% of fatal car accidents occurred on rural road; 35% of accidents involving vans and LGVs and 64% of all fatal accidents involving this vehicle type occurred on rural roads).
Applying the Safe System approach to rural roads may well include a large investment, but tacking behaivour is an important step. As these roads often have sharp bends and blind bends which can hide unexpected hazards. The new THINK campaign has some useful resources which are useful to employers or those responsible for education, training and public education.
There is a great video - stay in control and give yourself time to react because you never know what’s around the corner. THINK! Brake before the bend, not on it
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