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Speed Limiters for Repeat Offenders

7 May 2024

Support from The Child Health Initiative for the NY  Speed Limiters for Repeat Offenders bill, which will require installation of intelligent speed assistance (ISA) on vehicles that have repeatedly been speeding and pose a danger to others.

Supporting the bill The FIA Foundation highlights that: Children are particularly vulnerable to the fatal effects of high speeds . For a child, being hit at 30 mph risks their life on a coin toss, with a 50/50 chance of survival, but at 20 mph there is a 90% chance at life. Limiting speed among the worst offenders is a cost-effective, common-sense, approach. This bill will target a small number of drivers that are disproportionately responsible for carnage on our streets. When you speed, repeatedly, we should use similar technology to stop that in the same way that ignition interlock devices prevent drunk drivers from operating vehicles. ISA technology works and the data from its use in New York City fleet vehicles is impressive: hard brake events fell by 36% and vehicles followed the speed limit 99% of the time. One study attributed a 37% decrease in traffic deaths to the use of active ISA technology.

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