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Stop the Crash comes to Crete.

1 April 2019

The Towards Zero Foundation, cohosts of the High-Level Symposium at the meeting of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety , ran a Stop the Crash demonstration of the autonomous emergency braking (AEB) system in Chania . The demonstration was a powerful of how effective  AEB is in helping drivers avoid or mitigate collisions with other vehicles or road users.

Stop the Crash, a multi-stakeholder partnership, campaigns for AEB and other key vehicle safety technologies to be implemented more widely around the world.

Led by Global NCAP, it campaigns for life saving crash avoidance technologies in support of the SDGs. There is wide disparity between the vehicle standards required in high-income countries and vehicles sold in many low- and middle- income countries.

#STOPTHECRASH calls for governments and car manufacturers to mandate certain technologies that have been proved to prevent crashes and save lives.  

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