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The Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety receives Royal Award

30 November 2021

In 2020, YOURS and the Global Youth Taskforce organized the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in Stockholm. Through high-level coordination and a range of activities, the Assembly brought together 160+ youth leaders to claim their space at the decision-making table. Youth leadership was also brought to the forefront of the 3rd Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. The young leaders made a lasting impact and their efforts resulted in the creation of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety.

The success of the coalition has been recognised with a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. Announcing this HRH Prince Michael of Kent said:'This achievement is notable and its rapid development impressive with enormous potential to make a real impact during the new Decade of Action'

With the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety in place, YOURS is able to replicate the Assembly and plan to do so in the future with its members. The Assembly’s programme focused on a range of experiences such as high-profile speakers, live arts, performances, interactive discussions, workshops and inspirational youth taking charge on road safety which can be attached to other high-level events.

The Youth Coalition is enabling youth to continue experiencing opportunities through the initiatives that it is implementing: capacity development sessions, meaningful youth participation at high-level advocacy spaces/events, regional workshops and local action funding.

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