Twenty National programmes announced by EuroRAP
EuroRAP has announced the official launch of 20 National Programmes, - a major milestone in the ongoing cooperation between Civil Society, Mobility clubs, Universities/Research institutes and National Road Authorities to support the implementation of the National Road Safety Action plans.
Twenty EuroRAP National programme leaders have published a report with a set of concrete recommendations to countries and the European Commission emphasising on the need of establishing a ‘’Network - wide Road Assessment programme’’ within the framework of a National Road Safety Action plans.
EuroRAP has already supported road safety assessments in 40 European countries inside and outside the EU based on globally recognised methods. More than 170,000 kms of road has been Star Rated for in-built safety. Crash Rate Risk Mapping carried out on more than 1,3 million km with important tracking of progress over time in improving safety made possible. Roads of all types have been assessed including roads on the TEN-T network and primary and regional networks. More than 4,275 people have been trained and in excess of 25 billion euro of investment has been shaped to drive infrastructure upgrades that save lives. Those assessments have either been performed by the EuroRAP national programme leads as national initiatives or within European Commission projects (SENSOR, RADAR, SLAIN).
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