95 Alive campaign surpasses target
North Yorkshire’s 95 Alive campaign has surpassed its target to help save 95 lives on the county’s roads over a five-year period.
Casualty figures to the end of 2010 take the number of lives saved in the past five years to 126. The figure is based on the projected total that would have been reached if casualties had continued at the same rate as five years ago.
The York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership was established by many agencies, including North Yorkshire County Council and the North Yorkshire Police, and Driving for Better Business champions the City of York Council and the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. The partnership attempted to change the behaviour of drivers, riders and pedestrians through education, enforcement and engineering.
David Bowe, chair of 95 Alive, said, “This is a major achievement. The target to save 95 lives was very ambitious, to top that by a further 31 is staggering and very rewarding for everyone involved.
“The most important thing has always been to change behaviour and the way people approach walking, riding and driving to encourage them to think safety first every time".
For more information contact Janet Gleeson, 95 Alive campaign coordinator, on 01609 798304, or Honor Byford, road safety and travel awareness team leader, on 01609 532616.
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