Tackling cycling safety on our roads - RoSPA conference reveals more
How to solve the problem of rising cyclist deaths at a time when the UK is experiencing a cycling revolution will be discussed by road safety experts in Birmingham next month.
They will meet at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents’ annual Road Safety Conference, which this year, will consider how to make roads, behaviours and environments safer for the increasing numbers of cyclists. Held as the RoSPA Road Safety Seminar for the past two years, the event has been renamed to reflect its growing size, influence and popularity.
The event - titled Road Safety and the Cycling Revolution - is taking place at the Crowne Plaza in Birmingham city centre on Tuesday, February 25th, and is sponsored by Britax.
Among those presenting at the event will be Dr Harry Rutter, director of Halsa Consulting Ltd and chair of the NICE Programme Delivery Group on Guidance on Walking and Cycling. He will offer a public health perspective on the promotion of cycling and the challenges associated with encouraging more people to get involved.
Offering a view from the saddle will be Roger Geffen, campaigns and policy director at CTC, the national cycling charity which is supporting the conference. He will talk on what work needs to be done to improve safety and protect vulnerable road users.
Dr Divera Twisk, from the SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, will talk about how The Netherlands’ Sustainable Safety vision looks to integrate safety as a key design requirement for road traffic and will reveal what the UK can learn from this policy
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