‘Business champion’ Northgate gains RoSPA Gold Award
Northgate, the UK’s largest vehicle rental business and as a ‘business champion’ a leading light within the ‘Driving for Better Business’ campaign, has had its reputation for promoting health and safety to employees and customers recognised with a Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents’ (RoSPA) 2009 Award.
Darlington-based Northgate Vehicle Hire has won a RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Gold Award for the first time after winning Silver Awards last year and in 2006.
The Award will be presented at a ceremony at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole Hotel, National Exhibition Centre, on Tuesday, May 12. The ceremony will take place alongside Safety & Health Expo 2009, Europe’s leading annual health and safety exhibition.
David Rawlins, RoSPA awards manager, said: “Northgate Vehicle Hire has shown a commitment to protecting the health and well-being of its employees and others. Entering the RoSPA Awards reinforces the message that good health and safety is good for business, and clearly demonstrates an organisation’s dedication to improving performance in this crucial area.”
Northgate Vehicle Hire operates a fleet of 65,000 vehicles available nationwide from 80 centres
Colin Gilstin, Northgate’s health and safety manager, said: “We are delighted that RoSPA has recognised the importance and significance the company places on health and safety and we believe this award demonstrates our commitment in having a strong and robust safety management system.
“As the largest commercial vehicle rental company in the UK we want to lead from the front where safety’s concerned, particularly within our industry. We see this as an award for every employee within the company as it could not have been achieved without their full support and co-operation.”
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