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Rules around motorway driving for new motorists

22 August 2023

In 2021, more than 60 billion miles of motorway driving were accumulated by vehicles in the UK, with 71,000 vehicles passing an average stretch of motorway every 24 hours. While there are often alternative routes that allow you to avoid motorways, being able to confidently use the country’s extensive network is an invaluable skill for all drivers.

Motorways are actually some of the safest stretches of road in the country. According to recent data, 10 times as many drivers die on rural roads as they do on motorways. Meanwhile, 71% of fatal crashes that involve young drivers (aged 17-24) occur on rural roads.

In this Safe motorway driving: a guide for new young drivers, we discuss some of the potential dangers you may encounter along the way, helping you to form some good habits that will hopefully stay with you throughout your life. We’ll also discuss how smart motorways are changing the driving experience for motorists in the UK, and draw your attention to the most important rules you need to know about.

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