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Save Lives Technical Package

10 November 2020

Nearly half (49per-cent) of the people who die on the world’s roads are pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. And we know much about preventing road traffic deaths and injuries. Based on this knowledge, theroad safety technical package developed by The World Bank is well-worth using to develop plans.

The package is designed to support decision-makers and practitioners in their efforts towards reducing road traffic deaths and injuries and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal targets 3.6 and 11.2.

Save LIVES: a road safety technical package is an evidence-based inventory of priority interventions with a focus on:

  • Speed management
  • Leadership
  • Infrastructure design and improvement
  • Vehicle safety standards
  • Enforcement of traffic laws
  • Post-crash survival

The 6 strategies and 22 interventions recommended in the package are interrelated and should be implemented in an integrated manner to effectively address road traffic deaths and injuries. Since countries are at varying stages of addressing this problem, this road safety policy package should not be seen as a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather as a guide to support decisions for scaling up road safety efforts.


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