Walking the Talk launched by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety
The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety has launched a publication , Walking the Talk at the ''Every Journey, Every Child'' International Conference organized by the Global Initiative for Child Health and Mobility.
Walking the Talk describes the response of the Alliance and its member NGOs to the call for action represented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with focus on SDG 3.6 (“By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents”) and 11.2 (“By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all.”) The publication argues that the SDGs are a shared responsibility involving governments, NGOs, corporations, and bi- and multilateral stakeholders and that NGOs can be effective partners in achieving change.
Through its capacity-building initiative, the Alliance Empowerment Program, the Alliance is equipping NGOs to take a more evidence-based, goal-oriented, and strategic approach to their work. Launched at the end of 2015, this groundbreaking program is already gaining traction and showing results.
Walking the Talk offers a glimpse of what can be achieved with strategic investment in road safety NGOs, with reference to the Alliance Empowerment Program. It tells stories of individuals gaining new skills and mind-sets, and, as a result, NGOs becoming more visible and effective. From a national seat belt campaign in Tunisia, which saw road deaths decrease by 35% in two months, to infrastructure improvements that have reduced road injuries around five schools in Addis Ababa, Alliance member NGOs are taking small steps that can lead to big, measurable results, and they are helping to save lives around the world.
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