Transport Research Laboratory: stress management survey
It is looking for motorcyclists or moped riders who have been experiencing high levels of stress in the previous six months. In particular, it is interested in people who feel their riding style has been affected by feelings of stress and stress-related anxiety or worry.
Stress is a common occurrence among many people, and may stem from one or various areas of life. However, research shows that stress of different sources can have a detrimental effect on road safety and can result in increased risk to motorists.
Participants who are selected to take part in the research will be required to travel to TRL and will be paid a small standard amount to go toward time and expenses involved in participating in the research.
If you are interested in taking part in this research, please click on the following link to complete a short screening questionnaire containing some questions about you and your riding experience. Please note that completion of the following questionnaire does not guarantee you will be selected to take part in the research.
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