Speed management programmes win Royal Awards
Serious road casualties drop in Wales since default 20mph introduction
New 20mph speed limit guidance
30 km/h Speed Limit Benefits in Europe
Intelligent Speed Assistance in UK vehicles
Community Speedwatch webinar
Speeding and the countermeasures
What next for Community Speedwatch?
European City Leaders call for the right to set speed limits
Understanding and measuring the contribution of Community Speed Watch
Free Speeding eLearning Module
Speed Limiters for Repeat Offenders
Speed Management Manual
THINK! Speeding campaign relaunch
Speed Management Manual - a Must Read'
New WHO manual aims to curb dangerous speeding on the world’s roads
Safe speeds – what is safe enough?
New anti-braking speed cameras
20mph speed limit across Wales
Vehicle speed compliance statistics for Great Britain: 2022
Lower Urban Speed Limits in Europe
20mph more effective when accompanied by traffic calming
Speed Management Hub updated
20mph speed limit delivers 'significant?' improvements in road safety
Attitudes towards speeding
Popular 20mph speed limit could save £100Million.
Spain cuts urban casualties by 20%
TRL Speed Management and Assessment Tool
Speed Management Webinar Series
"It's time to pay more attention to speeding"
Why is speed hurting so many people?
Speed compliance lowers but public support for slower speeds increases
London 20mph zones
eDriving and Global Road Safety Partnership Launch “Triple Threat” Resources
Why 30 for Children and Youth
New crash tests show modest speed increases can have deadly consequences.
Stakeholder enagagement at the heart of new Scottish Speed Campaign
Time to Slow Down… Again?
20 MPH default speed limit trials in Wales
Vital resource - The new Speed Management Hub
New UK Speeding Campaign
Focus on Speed Management - Professional Resources
Brussels launches its 30 City programme
Zambia legislates for low-speed school zones
Vehicle speed compliance statistics for Great Britain: January to June 2020
Northumbria Police overwhelmed by support for new wide area speed camera strategy
Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Vehicle Flow and Speeds in the UK
Speed limits: is 20 really plenty?
20mph Zones and Speed Limits Facts
How is the UK''Coronavirus Lockdown'' changing Road Safety?
COVID 19 - What’s speed got to do with it?
COVID 19 - Call to reduce speed limits
New Speed Compliance Dashboard Launched
Road Safety Support’s speed testing facility now an official laboratory
Speed Limits reduced in France
Speed and Crash Risk - New report from ITF
''Road enforcement must be proportionate, but the limit is the limit for a reason.''
Global Road Safety: Focus on facts says award-winning experts
Speed Limits - Policy Development
Speed Compliance Statistics 2016
Vehicle speed compliance statistics for Great Britain: 2016
Advice for Global Road Safety Week
Join the Global Road Safety Campaign #SlowDown
Telematics provides crucial driving data
Road safety Observatory updated
Speeding still the largest motoring-related offence
Community Roadwatch scheme to be rolled out across London
20MPH Zones
20 mph Zones not favoured by drivers
Drivers not in favour of 20mph zones
Public Health Case for Speed Limits
Revised guidance from RACF
The majority of motorists support safety cameras
Speed awareness courses for 20mph limits.
National Speed Awareness course produces positive changes
Top 10 professions most likely to speed
Speed Limits - Guidance
New report shows that drivers are slowing down
Speed - The arguments.
20mph Zones and Speed Limits
New speed limit guidance and web tool announced.
Safety cameras still effective and active
Speeders face growing rise in insurance premiums
The 20mph/30kph debate
20mph Places Conference
Research proves value of award winning campaign
Knowledge Centre
Penalty points can be expensive
Knowledge Centre - New Material
Speed camera information now available
Scottish Safety Camera Statistics prove success
Poll shows that 20 mph limits are popular
ISA saves lives - New Report
New transparency rules for speed cameras
Some motorists still distrust speed cameras
Government to publish new speed camera rules
New speed camera rules to improve transparency
Speed camera effectiveness
Support for cameras reaches record level
Too few countries addressing speed management seriously
New safety camera research proves positive
The great safety camera switch-on
Proceed with Caution - Thought Brief
Pedestrian Deaths and Speed - Revised risk data
Research highlights motorists fear
Do cameras work as a long term road safety solution?
September Speed Symposium
Speeding: more and more severe crashes
Speed and Safety Cameras
High-speed driving should stay on the track
Safety Camera debate
20 MPH Zones to be Re-considered
Speed cameras have halved serious accidents
Designing Roads that Guide Drivers to Choose Safer Speeds
Warning to Drivers - Consequences of Speeding
Government to allow wider use of 20 mph schemes without speed humps
Motorists in Hampshire 'Choose 30' in rural villages
Speed Management - advice from the world's experts now vailable on-line
Enforcement 'A necessary evil'
Intelligent Transport Systems for Speed Management
New Average Speed Cameras for Urban Networks
Rural Roads are our most dangerous
Education over punishment as Cumbria launches speed awareness course
Intelligent Speed Adaptation
Motorists Outraged by Tougher Penalties for Speeding
Government campaign highlights hidden dangers of speeding on rural roads
Hard Hitting Advertising
TISPOL Speed Operation
Department for Transport (National) (DFT) Vehicle speeds in Great Britain: 2006
New speed cameras
Research reveals speed cameras really do catch bad drivers